Vote Bryan Steil

on or before November 8th!

Whether you choose to vote by absentee ballot, in-person at your Clerk’s Office, or on Election Day, make a plan to vote Bryan Steil for Congress on or before November 8th, 2022.

And remember, vote Bryan Steil for Congress!

Below you will find a list of important dates and information regarding the election calendar. Please do not hesitate to email our team at [email protected] with any questions!

September 22, 2022: Deadline for municipal clerks to send absentee ballots to electors (voters) with valid requests on file for the General Election.


October 19, 2022: Deadline for electors to register by mail or online to vote in the General Election. After October 19th, electors must register in person in the municipal clerk’s office or at the polling place.


November 3, 2022: Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for regular and overseas electors to request absentee ballots by mail (online, email or fax) for the General Election.

November 4, 2022: Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for electors to register to vote in the municipal clerk’s office or other designated location(s).

November 4, 2022: Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for indefinitely confined electors and military electors, not on active duty away from their residence to request absentee ballots by mail (online, email or fax) for the General Election.

November 4, 2022: Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for calendar year (temporary) absentee ballot requests to be submitted by mail, online, email, or fax to receive absentee ballot for General Election.

November 8, 2022: ELECTION DAY! Head to the polls and vote Bryan Steil for Congress!

For a full election schedule, click here.