The Issues

Bryan’s vision for America

Working to Lower Prices

Families and workers are being clobbered by rising costs at the grocery store and at the gas pump. I’m fighting against wasteful spending and working to lower gas prices by unleashing American energy independence.

Keeping Our Communities Safe

It is my priority to ensure that our communities in Southeast Wisconsin are safe places to live and raise a family.

Throughout my time in Congress, I have continually met with local government leaders, members of law enforcement, and people across Southeast Wisconsin to examine how we can keep our communities safe. I have strongly opposed the “Defund the Police” movement, which is a dangerous scheme that had made communities across our country less safe.

We must support the men and women who have taken the oath to protect and serve our communities.

Education & Workforce Development

Southeast Wisconsin has the best workforce, not just in the country, but in the world.

New opportunities are coming to Wisconsin, and we need to prepare our workers for the jobs of the future.

As a member of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, I have seen first hand the importance of quality high schools, effective technical colleges and affordable, high quality universities. We have all of these in Wisconsin, and I will put a premium on ensuring that the federal government does not interfere with our efforts to improve and grow our workforce.

Federal mandates too often increase costs rather than improve education. I want to return control and decision making to the state and local level where it is most effective.

Debt and Deficit

Washington spends too much of our money. The out of control spending is contributing to higher prices and rising inflation. We must end the massive government spending coming from Congress. I believe we need a long term, process driven solution to fix the spending problem.

We need to restore fiscal discipline to the budget process while also continuing pro-growth policies to unleash the full strength of the American economy.

Securing Our Border

We need to secure our border. In the past two years, drug and human trafficking has skyrocketed at our southern border.  Bad actors from all over the world are taking advantage of our lax security  – including drug dealers, human traffickers, and individuals with terrorist affiliations. 

 Deadly illicit fentanyl is coming across in record numbers, wreaking havoc in communities and families right here in Wisconsin. I have visited the US-Mexico border, spoken directly with border protection officers and have seen the crisis first hand.  

Securing our border is a matter of national security. We need to build a wall, fund our border patrol officers, and finally secure our southern border. 

Second Amendment

Our Founding Fathers showed great wisdom in drafting our Constitution. As someone who believes in the Constitution as it is written, I will protect our rights. The Second Amendment provides citizens with the right to bear arms. I will defend law abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights.


I am proudly pro-life.  We must work to cherish and protect the sanctity of life at its most vulnerable stages.  The recent Supreme Court ruling was a victory for life and returns these important decisions back to the people and their elected representatives in the states.  

At the federal level, I am standing up for life by supporting proposals like the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and leading efforts to prevent taxpayer funding for abortion. 

I’m also working to support families. Which is why I’ve long-supported access to IVF and co-sponsored a resolution to support access to IVF. For some families, IVF is the only way to start a family. I’ve co-sponsored legislation to help families afford IVF to build and grow their family.

Veterans & the Military

We live in a dangerous world and the brave men and women of our armed forces are on the front lines every day protecting our country. Our veterans have put everything on the line and have selflessly served our nation. Active-duty servicemembers and our veterans deserve the best from us in return.

Our military is the best and most powerful in the world. We need to ensure our men and women in uniform have the funding necessary for them to be safe and effective in carrying out their mission.

When veterans transition from the military, they face many challenges that can be addressed by Congress. One challenge is the difficulty for them to translate their military training to credentials such as licenses and certifications.

The education and training our military receives makes it the most highly trained in the world. Servicemembers would be better prepared for exiting the military if the schools they attend while in the service issued credentials and college credits for use outside of the military. Doing so would remove the stress of obtaining the credential while exiting the military.

Our veterans also deserve to receive healthcare and other benefits in a timely manner. No veteran should have to fight bureaucrats to access the care and benefits they have earned.

Election Security

As Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Elections, I have fought to ensure the integrity of our elections. We need to restore faith in our election system by putting in place reforms that ensure they are free, fair, and secure. I have continually fought back against schemes in Washington that would ban important safeguards like Voter ID. You can count on me to continue to lead the charge against a federal takeover of our elections.